Gallery: Model of the Month - 1997
Model of the Month - August, 1997

Jonathan "Superman" Charbonneau stands next to his impressive Wac-Corporal, in Adult.
C.R. Herrig won in Youth with his Mongoose, his first 2 stager!!
Model of the Month - September, 1997

Rick Gaff won in Adult with his scratch built Aerobee-Hi (later launched at SMURFF II in Muncie).
Bryan Chesi win in Youth with his Strong Arm.
Model of the Month - October, 1997

John Guzik won Adult with his nicely done Estes Super Vega clone.
Pierre Miller won Youth with his very nice scratch built clone of the Estes USS Cassiopeia.
Model of the Month - November, 1997

Steve Smith won in Adult with his beautiful Boyce Aerospace 1/17.5 scale Mercury-Redstone (which he later launched for the first time at NSL 98 in Muncie, IN).
Matthew Duckworth took Youth with his outstanding Equinox.
Model of the Month - December, 1997

Nice guy Steve Smith won with his handsome Gemini DC.
Steve also wrote a story on finishing techniques he used on this rocket for The Leading Edge.
Pierre "Scale" Miller won Youth with his ACLM Cruise Missile.