Gallery: Model of the Month - 2006
Model of the Month - January, 2006

Bill Ipjian won Adult with his LOC Ariel.
Youth by Ian Timberlake and his totally scratch AIM-54A Phoenix, built completely from recycled materials. Far and away too cool.
Model of the Month - February, 2006

It was a toss-up between Ian Timberlake with his Trash Rocket Dragster and Jon Revelle sporting his Scrambler.
They split Youth honors this month.
Adult fell to Pat Butler and his simple but ultra-clean Quest Venture.
Model of the Month - March, 2006

Bob Kaplow takes Adult with his Illudium.
Jon Revelle tied up with Allison Butler for Youth honors. That's Jon's Estes Photon Probe from an ancient kit.
Allison is holding her Antaire, an Alpha III bash.
Model of the Month - April, 2006

The Butlers cleaned up with Pat Butler in Adult and Jenna Butler in Youth. Pat is holding his scale Astrobee 1500 (very tough to build right, but cake for a modeler like Pat) and Jenna her Princess, bashed up from an Estes ARF. Decorations are everything.
Model of the Month - May, 2006

Pat Butler shows off his VideoRoc.
Jon Revelle displays his Youth-winning V2 bashed out of a Canadian Arrow.
Model of the Month - June, 2006

Bill Ipjian holding his Tim Lehr Wildman.
Youth had yet another tie, this time between Ian Timberlake with his Visible HPR and Katie Mitchell with her Green Spirit, a Fat Boy bash.
Model of the Month - July, 2006

Chris Cantine displaying his scratch Cirrostream.
In Youth it was another Ian Timberlake/ Katie Mitchell tie. Ian had his very nice Intruder and Katie her Moon Dart, another Estes kit bash.
Model of the Month - August, 2006

Marc Mitchell with his Mitchell Family Flying Circus, a Rob Edmonds boost glider sporting three gliders attached to a central booster.
Jimmy Basile wowed 'em in Youth with his Mad Science Dynamite.
Model of the Month - September, 2006

Pat Butler is showing us his Squirrel Works Spacecruiser FFE.
Jon Revelle gives us a peek at his scratch Shockwave, named after the former Six Flags roller coaster.
Model of the Month - October, 2006
We held no Model of the Month contest in October because of the passing of NIRA's Scout Liaison, Mike Ugorek (1950-2006).
Here are a few images of Mike doing what he did best at NIRA special events; namely, helping kids have fun with rockets.
He will be greatly missed.
Model of the Month - November, 2006

Here's Marc Mitchell holding up his Trifecta, very cleanly bashed up from a Fliskits Tres.
Jon Mitchell is showing off his nice Invader Zim, also based on a Fliskits model. Both of these rockets were very nicely appointed with custom-made decals. Marc later gave a complete presentation on custom decals at the December meeting.
Model of the Month - December, 2006

Pat Butler holds up his Adult winner, a Little Joe. Once again NIRA proves its love of scale.
In Youth we had Katie Mitchell showing her Golden Arrow, her first two-stage!