Northern Illinois
Rocketry Association

NAR Section 117

November 2014 Model of the Month

Mike Richardson won with his Star Trooper

Okay, it's true: we Starship Trooper models have this fire and forget reputation, especially with a full A motor. Boss did tell me once of the time he watched a guy and his five year old lose one of us, find him, and lose him again at a NIRA launch. That's why Boss dressed me up with this bright red color scheme, in hopes it would make me easier to find in the weeds. I'm not sure what some of these markings Boss added to my normal rank badges are. Boss muttered something about polishing a flag, I think, which makes no sense to me. Still, I have to admit Boss was right: this was the best paint job he's ever done.

So Boss took me to a handy local park on a really calm, sunny day. Stuffed me full of tracking powder, which really gets up my nose. Achoo! But maybe it was worth the irrritation, 'cause Boss flew me twice with A3-4T motors, and found me both times. But then my luck changed.

It was a dark and windy day at East Branch when Boss made his big mistake. Stuffed me full of another darned A motor and powder (achoo!) and launched me. If Boss had only thought about it, maybe a little windward angle of the rod would have saved me. But that's not how it happened. I went straight up, and up, and up, just as I was directed. Pop! The powder shot out (achoo! achoo!). Boss even made eye contact there, but then lost track of me. I sometimes wonder how hard Boss looked for me — I know Boss wasn't fond of squishing around the edges of the creek.

So here I lie, waterlogged and slowly going to pieces, with just this lousy photo from the time I won Model of the Month for you to remember me by.

(signed) A Trooper Too Far